Frontiersman Games

Long Distance Knife

Knives do not need to be scaled but must be a minimum of 12 inches in length. Throwers will qualify from beyond the 5 meter line. One stick out of three knives is required to continue. All throwers will have numbers. The lowest qualifying number will throw first and will throw three knives at the target from beyond the highest distance of the longest qualifying throw. One knife of the three is all that is required to set a new distance. The next qualifier will throw beyond that distance until a winner is determined.

Long Distance Hawk

 Throwers will qualify from beyond the 7 meter line with an IKTHOF regulation Hawk. One stick out of 3 Hawks is required to continue. All throwers will have numbers. The lowest qualifying number will throw first and will throw three Hawks from beyond the highest distance of the longest qualifying throw. One Hawk of the three is all that is required to set a new distance. The next qualifier will throw beyond that distance until a winner is determined.


 Speed Throw

The thrower will on the command of “GO” throw as many knives into any one of three targets as possible from the half spin distance in a total of 20 seconds. Knives do not have to be scaled; they will however be a minimum of 12 inches long.


Fast Draw

****  RULE CHANGE FOR 2017 FAST DRAW AND TEXAS THREE STEP IKTHOF Tournaments as per the IKTHOF Board October 17, 2016  ****

A Mountain Man knife at least 12 inches long and a minimum of 12 ounces in weight with a leather, wood, or bone handle will be used for both the Fast Draw and the Texas Three Step. Knife must be completely in the sheath: any part of the blade that is showing before being pulled will be warned once; the second time, the thrower will be disqualified. Minimum Distance 3 Meters knife must be drawn from the belt on the thrower’s waist. The SHEATH MUST be attached to the belt FIRMLY. The sheath may not be held higher than the belt by any means. To indicate readiness to compete, throwers must hold throwing arms stretched out towards the target, PALM UP (EXECUTIVE DECISION). Must be in the 3 ring to score. A maximum of three drops by BOTH the competitors. After three drops by BOTH competitors, BOTH throwers are disqualified. The individual competition winner will be BEST OUT OF THREE TRIES.

Texas Three Step

A Mountain Man knife at least 12 inches long and a minimum of 12 ounces in weight with a leather, wood, or bone handle will be used for both the Fast Draw and the Texas Three Step. Knife must be completely in the sheath: any part of the blade that is showing before being pulled will be warned once; the second time, the thrower will be disqualified. Distances will be 3 meters, 5 meters, and 7 meters, three throws from each distance; Must be in the three ring to score. Knife must leave the sheath and be thrown in one continuous throw until the knife leaves the hand. Any hesitation during the throw will be warned once; second time will result in disqualification.

 Silhouette Throw

 The throwers will throw on a flat board around a paper cut out mannequin, if available. There are 1, 4-inch bullseyes around the mannequin: 6 bullseyes on the left, 6 bullseyes on the right, and 3 at above head level. The thrower must start on the lower left bullseye and progress up and hit each consecutive bullseye for a total of 6 bullseyes. The thrower then moves over to the right side and starting at the bottom bullseye progress up and hit each consecutive bullseye for a total of 6 bullseyes. The thrower will then move to the upper 3 bullseyes and starting on the left hit each consecutive bullseyes.  If a thrower misses a bullseye, the next bullseye must be thrown at. In other words, if a thrower is throwing at the number 2 bullseye in any of the three sequences and misses, he/she must now throw at the next bullseye to score. Total amounts of points is 75, there are 5 points for each bullseye hit in the proper order.


Texas Three Step

 A Bowie knife or period knife with a minimum length of 12 inches and scaled with leather, bone, antler, or wooden scales will be required for the Texas Three Step. Each participant will throw at one throwing block with the standard IKTHOF point scoring. The thrower will throw 3 knives from sheath to target from 1 spin behind the 3 meter mark.  Each participant will then move to the two spin behind the 5 meter mark and throw 3 knives sheath to target.  Each participant will then move behind the 7 meter mark and throw three knives sheath to target. Any throw-offs will be judged from the 2 spin or beyond the 5 meter mark with a total of three knives.  Once the thrower has started his/her throw with his/her hand on the handle, the throw must be a fluent motion never stopping until the knife has left the throwers hand. One warning will be given should the knife stop and not be thrown in one continuous motion. Upon being told the second time by the judge, the score will not count if there is any hesitation in the throw. From sheath to target throwing must be accomplished in one continuous motion. Total amount of points 45.


Texas T

Utilizing 3 or more scaled knives with either leather, wood, horn, or bone scales. All throwers from will start behind the  one  spin or 3 meter mark and will throw a total of 5 knives at the five bullseyes from the bottom bullseye for the first three bullseyes and then the top left bullseye and then the top right bulls eye. After all throwers have thrown the most amount of bulls eyes will win the contest .


Ties. Any ties from the 1 spin or 3 meter distance throwers will then move back to the 2 spin or behind the 5 meter mark utilizing the same sequence of throwing. After all tied throwers have thrown from behind the 5 meter  line, the most amount of bulls eyes will win the contest.


Ties. Any ties from the 2 spin or 5 meter distance throwers will then move back to the 3 spin or behind the 7 meter mark utilizing the same sequence of throwing. After all tied throwers from behind the 7 meter mark have thrown, the most amount of bullseyes will win the contest.